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Life still looks nothing like I thought it would


And I’m learning more and more to see the beauty in that. 


When I originally left on the World Race, I thought I would just be returning to America by the end of August. I hadn’t really considered what life after that would look like yet.


Instead I found myself leading a group of 18-21 year olds on a mission trip to Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin in July. There was approximately a 0% chance I could have ever guessed that’s where I would end up. 


While entirely unexpected, it was beautiful and amazing. I had a wonderful small group of participants who were committed to growing in their identity in the Lord and doing things for the Kingdom in the midst of the chaos of COVID. I learned from them daily and love them deeply. We lived and worked alongside international students and formed the sweetest relationships. 


I now have the incredible opportunity to squad lead for a World Race squad launching in just about a week. Squad leading looks like casting vision for the squad and continuously pointing them back to Jesus. It means listening to and learning from the participants. It means sitting at the feet of the Father. I loved my squad leaders and am so excited to have the opportunity to be that for someone else. I will be with G squad for the first five months or so of their race alongside my co-leader Josiah. 


I have been at leadership training this past week getting to know my incredible leadership team and prepping for training camp. We are now welcoming all our participants and it is here for real! 


I am so excited for this next season. I will be able to use left-over funds from my race for a portion of the cost, but will also be fundraising again. The accounting department will provide a new fundraising goal and bar for the top of my blog soon, but for now if you’d like to financially support me 


My Venmo is @Kayla-Gulley-2




Shoot me a message and we will find another way.


You can always reach out for additional information or stories! Thank you for following along.


Love you all,


4 responses to “Leadership and the World Race”

  1. Hey Kayla, it’s so good to hear from you! I’ve missed talking with you on Wednesdays. I am so excited for you with your new adventures! You ate right where God wants you. ?? Love ya!

  2. Kayla!! I am so stinking stoked for you!! You’re gonna be such a great squad leader and G will be blessed by you greatly. Love you lots and I can’t wait to read more updates!!

  3. I’m so stinkin’ excited for you to step into this role and I know you’re going to be incredible!! Also, I met Josiah on the field (month 1) when his team overlapped with mine; you guys are going to rock the Squad Leader life! Praying for you!