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Throwback to March 13, 2020. 


It was the day we found out we were coming back to the States because of this wild virus that was spreading rapidly. 


I was heartbroken. I was mad. I wanted nothing more than to stay in Africa; to continue doing ministry. 


We didn’t have long to get our things together, so after packing up all our things, we went to bed around 2 AM with plans to wake early to catch a taxi to the airport. 


Sleep was hard to come by and around 4 AM it started POURING rain. 


You see, it didn’t rain at all in Togo or Ghana. It was the dry season in West Africa, meaning it is hot and dusty everywhere.


It had rained one other day in Cote D’Ivoire, and we were filled with joy on that day because it had been SO long since we had seen rain. We sang and danced and played in the rain. 


This particular morning at 4 AM, I got up because I couldn’t sleep in the wonderfully loud rain on the tin roof (typically my most favorite thing in the world). Feeling hurt and mad at the Lord, I went and stood outside. And I asked the Lord, WHY?


Why send me on this wild crazy adventure, only for us to come home. Why did I wait for SO long for what came next only for it to end prematurely? Why, why, why.


And you know what He said?



and if not am I still Good?



Because here’s the thing for the weeks leading up to this day, the Lord had been asking me this. 



We would go out into the towns, and while I can understand a decent amount of French, I can say about three things. So communication was difficult, and as we would walk through the towns, I would ask the Lord to send me people who spoke English. To send me someone, I could easily understand and relate to. 


And every time He would respond,



but if not am I still Good?



And every time, I would be like yes yes Lord you are still Good, but I mean, it would be nice. 



Over and over and over.



And then comes this night in the pouring rain, with me hurt in so many ways. And He ever so gently says again



and if not am I still GOOD.



And yes He is still GOOD. I couldn’t deny it. Even when I was the most hurt and broken. I know that I know that I know that He is GOOD.


He kept baby Moses safe

He brought the Israelites out of Egypt.

He parted the Red Sea

He brought down the walls of Jericho

He anointed and protected David

He sent his Son to live amongst us, then die on a cross.

He gave us Holy Spirit


He loves us because He loves us because He loves us. Because He is a good GOOD Father. 



For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you. Psalm 86:5



No one is good but One, that is, God. Mark 10:18



And one of my very favorites


If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him! Matthew 7:11




This year, in March of 2021, I was in the northern part of Costa Rica during the (supposedly) dry season. 


And even though it was supposed to be the dry season, it POURED rain.


I LOVE the rain and went to play in the rain with some of sweet, sweet G squad and I smiled as I remembered the previous March when I stood in the rain heartbroken but KNOWING that God is GOOD. 


It rained many times after that, apparently dry season actually contains a decent amount of rain, who knew. 


So when it feels like a dry season in your life, remember there’s probably more rain than you expect. 


And always, always remember that HE IS GOOD. 





With love,




5 responses to “Finding the Goodness of God from Cote D’Ivoire to Costa Rica”

  1. This is so sweet. I remember you telling us this story: so naturally I’m crying while reading this in a Starbucks in South Africa LOL. Celebrating how good the Lord has been to us. G-Squad sends our love!

  2. Yes, powerful blog!! I love Matt. 7:11 too (at first not too impressed with being called evil) but just had a massive AHA about it just last week. I always thought it just meant God would give us an abundance of his Holy Spirit if we asked. I just realized that we can ask for His Holy Spirit to be poured out on anyone we wish! And we’re 100% in keeping with HIs will because He’s not willing that any should perish! So I’ve been asking the HS to be poured out on everyone I know and care about…and on the whole world!

  3. It’s been months and almost years, and this still hits a sweet little spot in my heart. Thank you for this perspective. It’s so easy to be bitter and frustrated, but how TENDER that He challenges us to see Him in every season and to know and TRUST that He IS still good. I will be forever learning from you and your time in the throne room.